Monday, July 13, 2009

Saturday Morning, July 11, we awoke with great anticipation. We are finally going to sleep in beds tonight. We got the car loaded and bid farewell to Jeremy, Melissa and Abram. After leaving the Natl. Park we headed on to Richebucto and Rexton to go to the cabin. We unloaded at the cabin, got clean and went to do laundry. We met Mr. Claude at the laundry mat in Richebucto. When I offered him a Bible he refused and became very agitated. He expressed deep hurt which I will not go into but I tried to encourage him to try Jesus. He would have none of it and blamed others for his problems. He left. Pray for Mr. Claude to have another opportunity to meet Jesus.
Outside, unloading laundry from the roof of the car, yes, that’s how bad it had gotten, I met Jean LeBlanc. Funny thing is, I had seen him already go by in a late 70’s Trans Am. It’s the kind from Smokey and the Bandit. I told Misty, look it’s the Bandit. He had a cowboy hat, t-tops and the works. Mr. LeBlanc and I struck up a conversation about his car and that we had noticed him earlier. He was heading to a car show in Moncton. I gave him and his wife a testament each and before they went on their way I took a couple photos of them in the car. Later in the day we were heading back to the cabins and we passed them, he noticed us and waved.
I was a bit down about Mr. Claude. As we sat waiting for the laundry to finish two ladies came in and one said that she had been at the Soverign Comm. Church where we stayed last Sunday. I told her about our prayer paddling and she was excited. She and the other lady are believers and she said that we should not worry about Mr. Claude, just pray. We will.
Yesterday, Friday, we got a glimpse of what the Lord had prepared as a harvest field. There is a Clam Festival and flea market going on. We gave a lady selling her goods a Bible. She said that her granddad had given her a Bible years ago, but she had not read it much. She was excited as I took her through the testament and showed her the helps, plan of salvation and pointed out the Book of John to begin reading.
We parked in the library and Misty began to update the emails and blogs. Kobee, John and I went to the street vendors and began to converse with them and offer them Bibles. One lady I met had Bible verses painted on rocks. The verses were in French so I took out and English testament to see what the verse said. She noticed and asked if I were a Christian. I told her I was and explained what we MS folks are doing up here in Canada. She told me she goes to the French Baptist Church on the back street. When I told her we would be there Sunday night to share with the congregation and pray, she quickly responded no you’re not, we don’t have church on Sunday nights. As it turned out, no announcement had been made. She and her husband are Elise and Aurel Vautour. The Vautour name is very popular in this area. There are several different families with that name. They asked for prayer for their children and grandchildren. We will.
Carrying on with our visits we met Laure’anne, Annette and Elva. They were selling vitamin supplements and energy drinks along with a variety of products for people with diabetes. Laure’anne shared with us how her health had deteriorated to the point doctors told her she would not live much longer and there was nothing they could do for her. She had arthritis, diabetes and had recently gone blind. A friend told her to pray. She prayed for her sight to be restored. In time it was. Another friend introduced her to these products and they, along with prayer, helped her become more active and healthy. She and the other two ladies were very happy to each receive a copy of God’s word. I shared with them the plan of salvation in the back and talked to them about the ultimate healing for our ultimate problem, sin and separation from God. They were very interested and so I gave their information to Elise to follow up at a near future time to encourage them and invite them to her church.
We bought some fresh seafood at the wharf of Richebucto for supper. I got scallops, haddock, crab claws, a whole lobster, and a filet of salmon. We needed groceries after we picked up Loren from the river we took him to get cleaned up. OOOppps, we did not get the memo that all grocery stores close up at 6 PM on Saturdays. It was 6:30 and we couldn’t get the essentials like milk, bread, eggs, etc. All we had was this seafood. Atkins diet, here we come. We stopped at an Irving gas station and found most of what we needed.
We have mastered the MS u-turn. Seldom do we pull right in to where we are looking for. It’s usually, Whoa, there it goes, anything behind us? Nope, Whip it!
Raymond Voutour is our primary contact for this area of Richebucto and Rexton. He has been so gracious and kind to help us. We met his son Jeremy Saturday evening at the cabins as he came by to check on us. That’s just a glimpse of how wonderful he is. Sunday, July 12 we got up and went to Victory Baptist Church. Raymond Vautour is such a blessing. He led the worship service this morning in the absence of the pastor who is on vacation. We and the congregation were blessed in reciprocal this morning. We met the Summers family. The Lord has done some amazing changes in their individual lives and their marriage. We will pray for them.
We ate lunch at the church and them spent some time in prayer for the church, this area and the believers.
Kobee went over to Tanner’s and rode 4 wheelers while Misty and I napped. He had fun but as usual got hurt getting on the 4 wheeler. A non-moving accident is about par for Kobee.
We went to the French Church Sunday evening and shared with them. Afterwards the pastor, Michel Nadeau, asked what our plans were for the evening. He said there is a fireworks show at the wharf at 10. We should go there to share the gospel. We agreed, prayed up, divided up and went out amongst them.
We gave out at least 100 Bibles and an untold number of French tracts, and some John/Romans gospels. We met Dennis and Jessica towards the end of the evening. They came back to me to ask if I had any more Bibles they could have for their moms. Dennis and Jessica are dating and they are seeking the truth. I was able to go into great detail about the Gospel. When I was talking about this being a personal relationship with Jesus and they can either accept him or reject him, Jessica said she liked this because I wasn’t forcing them to do anything. I went on to encourage them to don’t even take my word for all this, rather, study the scriptures to see for yourself because this is God’s word and it’s the truth. Concluding the conversation, I told them that if they believe on the name of Jesus they should unite with a body of believers that will uplift them, encourage them and help them mature in faith. I used the analogy of a hot coal in a fire. If the coal is removed from the fire it will cool off and lose its ability to heat on its own. So it is with a believer. If you are removed from the fellowship of other believers you will cool off and lose your ability to grow as well as you can when you are connected with the body of Christ.
I was able to turn over the conversation to Pastor Nadeau who told them about the opportunity to unite with believers. He spoke to them in French so I didn’t get much of what they were talking about but I know they responded with great enthusiasm. We need to pray for Dennis and Jessica. I told Dennis, you are not far from the Kingdom of God. He said, I know, I just need a little more time to be sure of my decision. We will pray.

We all joined up back at the church for an afterglow celebration to say look what the Lord has done and it is marvelous in our sight.

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