Friday, June 26, 2009

Wednesday and Thuresday,
Well Wed. started off a little hard for Kevin. He took his perscribed antibiotics on an empty stomach and 30min. later he was sick. We managed to get a granola bar down him while smelling rubbing alochol ( trick a great nurse I work with tought me). He stay horizontal for a few more minuets and then we went to eat. We had a great breakfast and Kevin was back to normal within the hour. We had seveal hours to wait before we could go to the train station, so we took a chance to walk around Montreal.
Walking around, we ran across the guys from India, or so I thought. They were from Tamil but had lived in Montreal for some time. The were protesting the treatment of the Tamil people in Sri Lanka. They said the government was treating them as terrorists and all of them were missing at least one family member. I shared that on a recent trip to India, a Tamil guy was our guide. After some more conversation, I offered them a New Testament. The leader of the protest gladly accepted the Testament and we said we would pray for their family members.
The train ride was great. Well maybe not great. The ride itself was great, the sleeping was a little on the challening side. The set up was two seats, table and two seats. Kevin and Kobee sat on one side and John and Misty rode backwords facing them. We ate left over pizza from lunch for super. John was so excited he was hard to contain.
Kobee presented Yves, our car attendant, a Bible. He was very appreciative but quite busy so he didn’t have time for much talk. Kobee did a great job getting the Word out though.
At the camp ground called Vague Leonard met us. He said they were not open yet but graciously received us. He was so helpful to get us aquainted with the campground and give us suggestions to fight the mosquitos. He brought us firewood and mosquito repelant.
I met Charlie Smith, a neighbor to the campground. Charlie, Leonard and I had a good conversation and I explained how we were going to travel the coastline sharing the gospel. At that, I took out a PWT. Charlie said he already had one and no thanks but Leonard was very happy to have one and asked if it were in French. I told him this one is English but I do have French. He said he would like that so on the way to pick up Loren, I gave him 3 French for him and each of his sons.
I finally found Loren on down 313 at the end of a road. We loaded and headed down the road back to camp. We ate pork chops, and mashed taters and good ole sweet tea.

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